CoViD-19 Update

Pat Green   Sep 21, 2021

Since we re-opened our dive shop and charters we have been doing a number of things on our side to keep the public as safe as possible while still enjoying the services we offer. On our dive charters we have reduced the boat capacity from 14 down to 8 so everyone has more space. We have done away with the mask bucket and shared platters of fruit.

At the shop we are sanitizing mask, snorkel and regulator that gets tried on or used. We are requiring everyone to use our hand sanitizer at the door even if they are masked up. Hand hygiene in a retail environment with people fitting items to their face is important.

The present guidance from Florida Dept of Health and Vice President Pence as head of the USA Coronavirus Task Force is to maintain social distancing and wear mask when that isn’t possible.  We will get through this challenging time together.

Please be smart, be kind and wash your hands!

-Capt Pat
